

Table of Contents

src/Artillery.php 11
src/Request.php 2
src/RequestBase.php 7


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param 'get'|'post'|'put'|'patch'|'delete'|null $method HTTP method for the request." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\'get'" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array{config?: array, before?: array, scenarios?: array, after?: array} The array representation of the Artillery script." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\array{config" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array{config?: array, before?: array, scenarios?: array, after?: array} $script Array representation of an Artillery instance." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\array{config" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array{expression: string, strict?: bool}[] $thresholds An array of expressions to be used as conditions." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\array{expression: string" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array<'order'|'skipHeader'|'delimiter'|'cast'|'skipEmptyLines'|'loadAll'|'name', string|bool> $options Additional options for the payload." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\'order'" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array<'path'|'fields'|'order'|'skipHeader'|'delimiter'|'cast'|'skipEmptyLines'|'loadAll'|'name', string|bool>[] $payloads Payloads to be added." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\'path'" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array{duration?: int, arrivalCount?: int, arrivalRate?: int, rampTo?: int, maxVusers?: int, pause?: int} $phase The phase to be added." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\array{duration" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array{duration?: int, arrivalCount?: int, arrivalRate?: int, rampTo?: int, pause?: int, name?: string}[] $phases The phases to be added." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\array{duration" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param 'timeout'|'maxSockets'|'extendedMetrics' $key The key of the option." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\'timeout'" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array<'timeout'|'maxSockets'|'extendedMetrics', int|bool> $options The http options." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\'timeout'" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array{pingInterval?: int, pingTimeout?: int} $wsOptions The ws options." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\array{pingInterval" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param 'get'|'post'|'put'|'patch'|'delete' $method The HTTP method to use for the request." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\'get'" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array{string, string} $qs An array of query string parameters to set as ['param' => value, ..]." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\array{string" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param 'json'|'xpath'|'regexp'|'header'|'selector' $type Capture type (json, xpath, et.c.)." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\'json'" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param int|'random'|'last'|null $index The index attribute may be set to a number to grab an element matching a selector at the specified index, "random" to grab an element at random, or "last" to grab the last matching element. If the index attribute is not specified, the first matching element will get captured." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\'random'" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array<'as'|'json'|'xpath'|'regexp'|'header'|'selector'|'attr'|'index'|'strict', int|string>[] $captures An array of capture objects. E.g. [['as' => 'user_id', 'json' => '$.id'], [...etc]]." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\'as'" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param 'contentType'|'statusCode'|'notStatusCode'|'hasHeader'|'headerEquals'|'hasProperty'|'equals'|'matchesRegexp'|'notHasProperty'|'cdnHit' $type The type of expectation to add." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\'contentType'" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array<'statusCode'|'notStatusCode'|'contentType'|'hasProperty'|'notHasProperty'|'equals'|'hasHeader'|'headerEquals'|'matchesRegexp'|'cdnHit', mixed>[] $expects" has error "\ArtilleryPhp\'statusCode'" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param 'json'|'xpath'|'regexp'|'header'|'selector' $type The type of capture expression." has error "\ArtilleryPhp\'json'" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array<'json'|'xpath'|'regexp'|'header'|'selector'|'value'|'strict'|'attr'|'index', mixed>[] $matches" has error "\ArtilleryPhp\'json'" is not a valid Fqsen.

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